Proverbs 13:12 ~ Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but when the desire is fulfilled, it is a tree of life.


Hope is defined as the earnest expectation of something we desire. Something we are looking towards, longing for,… wanting. Yet, what we hope for and what we get can often be many different things.  Do you find that you are hoping for something that is not easy to attain? When we hope, the Bible tells us in Hebrews 11: 1 that faith is the substance of it.  ”  Now Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”  Further on in that chapter we are told that without faith it is impossible to please God, who earnestly rewards the diligent ones who seek after Him.( vs. 6)


Romans 10:17 tells us that we find faith in the Word of God. ” Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God”.


I have found myself on my knees before the Lord with a sick heart, disappointed that the hoped for resolution was never attained. I have found myself asking questions like: What went wrong? , Did I not pray right? , Did I miss something? ,or  Where are you, God?

In my own little corner of the world, closed in on the situation or circumstance, I fail to see the picture He paints before me. I miss the beauty of the journey when I place my hopeful expectation upon the limited knowledge which I have encapsulated with in my own boundaries of earthly wisdom.  Yet, when I ‘hear’ His voice,  and desire Him above all, my vision changes.   My heart changes.   My hope changes to an exalted level of heavenly hope rather that earthly desire.


In disappointment we can miss the truth of the lesson we are encouraged to walk in.

Are you disappointed today?

Do you find that you have no hope?

Are you feeling as if you are missing that last piece of the puzzle?


We are not promised life w/o tears, joy w/o sorrow, sunshine w/o rain, calm w/o the wind. We are promised days of trials, tribulations and adversity. BUT… I love this word.. In the English language it is a conjunction, a joining word.  It ties to pieces of the sentence ( the complete thought) together. It joins the ideas into one cohesive unit. Sometimes the main ideas can stand alone, however, when we place this conjunction in the middle of a sentence,  it connects the thought and is meant to draw you into the practice of contemplation.   Consider for a moment what this can mean in the face of disappointment, lack of promise, or deferred hope.

Disappointment can  come from misplaced faith.

~ Trusting on one or others,or ourselves,  who are not our primary source of joy or peace.

~Finding ourselves outside of the One who gives us purpose.

~ Believing  lies instead of truth.

♥Think about what it can mean when we look at our disappointment through the lens of scripture.

I  have hurt, but I can still praise for out of the abundance of my heart my mouth speaks, and I will glorify and exalt the Lord no matter my situation.(Psalm106:1)
I have needs, but my God can supply all my needs according to His riches in Christ Jesus.( Phil 4:19)
I have sickness and pain, but by the stripes of Jesus, I am healed and made whole.( 2 Peter 2:24)
I am weak, but He is my strong tower. I can run into him and be sheltered, protected and strengthened for the journey.(Ps 61:3)
I am lonely, but He said, He will never leave me, nor forsake me.(Josh 1:5)
I am empty, but he says that my cup overflows and surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life. ( Ps 23)
I am afraid, but he says to fear not because he will strengthen me with His righteous right hand. ( Is 41:10)
I am a sinner, but  his mercies are new every day, there to receive in humble adoration and repentance. ( Lamentations 3:23)
I am redeemed, but not by my own works .. only by the blood of the Lamb who intercedes for me daily. ( Eph 1:7)


You see, when I am basing my hope upon the desires of my heart which do not line up with the desires He has for my life ( read Jeremiah 29:11 to know that His plans for you are oh so good!) then they will reap a sickness which weights down the dreams I have been holding near.  When I can let go of those dreams, replaced with a desire for His fullness to fill me, an expectant hope rises up; a hope borne from the place where faith resides.  Trust and joy replace the fear and disappointment which blends forth into a radiance that is a reflection of  time spent with God. I think of the radiance upon the face o Moses as he descended the mountain to stand before the Israelites.  ( Exodus 34:35) What a miracle changing moment to be a reflection of his countenance. Or to be like Peter, so full of
God’s anointing and power that even the passing of His shadow brought healing. ( Acts 5:15)


His Word will revive in our hearts the un-deferred hope that breeds life.

There is a place of awesome wonder, where we can find the renewed vision of the Holy One  set apart for us. We come to the throne of grace, we receive His mercy and are filled up with His Hope-filled  Faith. Desire becomes that tree which reaches out strong roots to keep us stable and secure when the wind of adversity blows through the branches of our lives.  The life within is protected by the truth that our life-blood will not be diminished though seasonal tempests blow hard, yet the scars of this life only add to the character residing deep within. This hope that bleeds eternally, is connected at the cross where mercy and justice kissed; it filters into the veins of the tree and dispenses into the leaves ready to catch the light-flow feeding the seeds within. Fruit blooms and the joy is passed and consumed till more and more can see the beauty of Hope.


One day I sat quietly before my Heavenly Father and chose to listen. As quiet as the wind whisper I heard this sentence spoken in my heart.

Faith, in the face of fear, gives wings to hope which can not be deferred.”

Today I encourage you to take hold of the mustard-seed of faith deep within and don’t let go. It is there in those minuscule  possibilities where hope resides, that a mighty tree will grow and the bounty will be measured, pressed down, and shaken together… running over and over till it flows in to another heart just waiting for the promise  of HOPE.