There is a sacred place of freedom awaiting when we camp our tent in the Word of God. Each week I stand before my students and remind them over and over, that words have meaning…they have purpose.. they are real and full of life.
Hebrews 4:12 tells us that God’s Word is alive and powerful, sharper than any two-edged sword which has the ability to pierce and even separate not just joint and marrow ( that is easy to imagine,right?) , but more amazingly, this sword can break through the soul and the spirit.
This Living Word is our plumb-line that holds us close to the knowledge of Truth which expels the lies an altered view can mount guard over our hearts. Through the time spent in studying, I mean really studying, God’s Word we become made new, redeemed, reconnected and redirected. 2 Timothy 2:15 expounds on the need to study. ” Study to sow thyself approved unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” Again the word divide.
Think of that word divide, derived from the Latin word distinguo which means to mark off, separate, distinguish or divide. Words are a powerful force which can often divide and separate people, family members, and even nations. Yet if we look to the intent of rightly dividing, or distinguishing the Word of God, we are arming ourselves as a well-prepared soldier heading into battle.
There is a force of division that keeps us from experiencing the life of grace which is handed to us as we kneel at the foot of grace. Jesus has given us the freedom to choose life, by choosing Him. He has never forced anyone to follow his example and it is clear that he has told us it wouldn’t be easy. Yet, we choose to follow because we know there is a better reward both in our today, and in our tomorrows.
In Christ we have the innate gift of living in freedom.
Galatians 5:1( in the Amplified version) says, ” In [this] freedom Christ has made us free [and completely liberated us]: stand fast then, and do not be hampered and held ensnared and submit again to a yoke of slavery[which you have once put off].”
Yesterday I had the pleasure of attending the “A Woman Inspired” Conference. It was a huge dose of encouragement fora heart thirsty for fellowship. Each of the speakers sowed seeds of faith and encouragement into the fertile hearts of the beauties God calls the apple of His eye. Lisa Shaw mentioned the verse above as she challenged us to choose choose His way of seeing ourselves, to see our badge of honor which seals us for eternity; We are HIS!
We are guilty of becoming bondslaves to this world’s ideas of who and what women are and what they ought to look like.
That little word ‘ought’ is quite a trouble-maker. It’s synonym is should, and it is used as an auxiliary verb in its grammatical form.Incidentally, if you are a grammar-phobe, you will notice the preposition “to” which identifies the following verb as an infinitive, which means it is expressing action and/or it is not finite, and usually the verb is not conjugated. This basically means that the ending is not changed to show you the meaning of the word or where it is used in the sentence, and the meaning can be infinite. Back to the word ” ought”.
We ought to act a certain way, right? I want to gasp at the connotation, here, but in truth there is nothing farther from the truth.
All legalism aside, it is the liberty, which is threatened by legalism, where we miss the mark when we place the ‘ought’ on our own shoulders.
We can, in no way, complete the law; that is why Christ came and died for us. Our ‘ought’ is dependent upon his ability, not our own. We should follow His example, radically living the Free Life … In Christ. As a woman of God, I ought to extend the same mercy, love and kindness which has been revealed to me; a grateful recipient of mercy.
I want to challenge you to step out of the mold that is so easy to fall back into. The cavern of comparison causes us to lose sight of the joys of fellowship. Rather than enduring, let’s enjoy. Choose not the spirit of oppressive condemnation, but open wide the door of encouragement. Refuse to retreat back into the shadows, but reveal beauty by extending grace. Diminish the dark cloud of discouragement, and discover the joy of new horizons as you keep your eyes only on Him.
It is for Freedom, the totally unhindered w/o boundaries kind of freedom, that Christ has liberated you from the bondage of darkness and exploded your reality with joy infused light. Step into the Freedom by living the mercy-life He has empowered you to pursue.
* I encourage you to hope on over to A Woman Inspired and see all the blessings they have waiting for you. You won’t be discouraged.
Hello! I found you through your comment on Holley’s sight. I really enjoyed the thoughts you shared. You are a blessing! Please feel free to visit my devotional blog, also, if you are interested. God bless you for following Him and sharing His thoughts!
Thank you! 😉 Your blog is quite an encouragement. I look forward to reading more. Bless you!