Love has a way of resurrecting life from broken pieces of shells trampled underfoot.  Often those lives which are broken are shattered by a fear which carries a weight that is heavy enough to penetrate the imperfect shell of our humanity.

Yet, the Cross, to me, was the epitome of Love perfected.   Perfect love casts out fear. (1 John 4:18)

Fear often mars our decisions because it limits our ability to be free. The freedom we are given In Christ sets us in a new spectrum of ability. We have the choice to be free or to be in bondage to the chains which hold us down.

I choose Jesus.


Matthew 12:36-37 says, ” But I tell you on the day of judgment men will have to give an account for every idle word they speak. For by your words you will be justified and acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned  and sentenced.”



Well.. that is an arrow pointing straight into the flesh of my darkened heart. My words sometimes fail to align with the Truth I find in His Word, because of my unbelief and fear. In reality, then, I must be convicted of the offense. I have spoken those inoperable words which have led to confession of unfaithful, fear-filled, responses to circumstances.


Yet.. Look at what this scripture says… On the day of judgment… we will give account of what we speak.

Today, and on that day, I still declare…. I choose Jesus.


You see, I can’t justify my actions, good or bad. Nothing I do, Nothing I say, Nothing I attempt will ever be enough to cleanse me from the tainted scars and stains of this life’s journeys. Nothing except the crimson red blood which was shed for my life. A ransom which was met at the Cross. A ransom which was paid and sealed my fate. This ransom which the gates of hell could not contain, the sinless, spotless Lamb of God, who redeemed the captives and set at liberty those who were His own.


In the book of Matthew, chapter 27 and verses 50-53 are some mighty strong words.  I encourage you to study them, ponder them and pray.  Seek Him as you consider the intent. They stop me in  my tracks every time.

” Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost. And behold, the veil of the temple was rent in two from top to bottom;  and the earth did quack, and the rocks where split.  And the graves were opened and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep in death were raised [to life]; And coming out of the tombs after His Resurrection, they went into the holy city and appeared to many people.”


How many times have I read over this scripture and missed it? Can you imagine the sight?
Perfect Love is capable of anything, especially resurrecting dead to life. Romans 8:2 reminds us that the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus has set us free from the law of death.  He set things into motion by the choices He made as he willingly went in our place.  Death no longer has a hold on those who come to Christ to receive the gift of salvation.


Today we celebrated the event but each day we must rejoice at the power of resurrected love.

It has been promised that the very same spirit that raised Jesus, if it dwells within you,  will be a restoration to your soul, body, and spirit. That is grounds for rejoicing!

But what if my circumstances don’t look like the victory is really mine? What if my believing is not lining up with what I am seeing?


Let me just encourage you that the Love that awaits us, as we kneel in submission of our own will is so complete, so powerful, so thorough, that  in each circumstance His perfected Love is enough to resurrect miracle working power in our lives. If only we have the faith to be radically set apart from our own version of what that  perfect image entails.


He will work out for good those things in our lives that are imperfect because we love him(Rom 8:28),and because his is faithful.  However, we can’t know real true , fear chasing love till we know the One who exemplifies the idea of Love. Only God can make those valleys in our lives sweet storehouses of plenty and bliss. Every step with Him brings profit, for the Kingdom, for others and ultimately or own lives.

Three verses in Scripture stand out to me concerning brokenness. Isaiah 57:17; 66;2 and Psalm 51:17. They speak of the humility of brokenness, which is something to be regarded in the eyes of the Lord.  It is for that brokenness, that sin-soaked station of lowliness, that He came to heal.

What the world sees as worthless, He sees as worthy.

What the world sees as empty and lacking, He sees as an opportunity to fill.

What the world sees as lowly and meek, He sees as heirs.

His eyes saw through perfected love. He saw who we are and what we can be by the power of Love. A power that is stronger than any physical force. A power that healed physical bodies broken and low and now heals shattered hearts, fractured lives, and displaced futures.

He puts us on the path to wholeness when we choose to believe in Him. When we choose to accept the gift which cost so much, but He would willingly pay again. Though he doesn’t have to… consider the amount of red blood cells in one drop of blood. The amount of HIS blood which was spilled as he was beaten for our iniquities, bruised for our transgressions, the chastisement of our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed and made whole.( Is 53:5)

The number of red blood cells in a drop( 1.o cubic mm) of  blood is exponential; it is in the millions. ( WBC’s are between 7,000-15,ooo)  Now think of the calculations. ( for those of you who love math this will be great) The power in even a drop of blood could be satisfactory, the  very representation of 1 RBC per person, to cover the debt.

He paid my price. He bore my sin. He redeemed my life from the pit, crowns me with loving-kindness and tender mercy,  and satisfies my mouth with good things so my youth is renewed like the eagle. ( Psalm 103:1-5)

What the world saw as One broken on a Cross and an empty grave; I see as glorious victory of Love Perfected.  A life that resurrected the broken, humble, and contrite and brought them out of the tombs of death into the stronghold of life.


Rejoice in His Perfect Love which has the power to resurrect the dead places in you. 

Happy Easter! 



I found this picture today and loved it. Mary Magdalene is one of my favorite people from scripture. It is a stained class window from church in South Carolina.

I would love to pray for you today. If you have a prayer request,please feel free to leave a note in the comment section.