Today is a day that the Lord has made for you, which is full of mercy and heaping with compassion. He has hedged us in and filled us up with a grace which cannot be purchased by silver and gold, by works or worth, by gifts or talents, by status or position.
It is freely given, this grace, and thus it must be freely received.
Freedom is a restriction from boundaries which hold us back. Mercy has not boundaries. In mercy there is freedom to see through a light filtered by grace. Mercy is not meant to be held in, it is meant to be poured out.
We can see the hand print of God in the majesty of His Mercy. Every day they are new and awaiting for you. Because he knew you before you were born, while you were being formed in the secret place ( Ps 139) His love for you was already complete.
Though today your journey may be shadowed with doubt, regret, pain, hurt or loss; His love is still there. His mercy is extended towards those who are meant to inherit salvation.
There is no catch; He loves you. He awaits our attention daily… as if to remind us that it is for Him and by Him alone that we can fully live.
Can I just remind you to day to come to the place of mercy’s shores and dive in deep. Bathe in the beauty of His holiness, for it is in His plenty we are sufficiently provided for. Rest in His grace-filled embrace as the mercy flows into to your heart.
Be Mercy Filled!
A precious reminder of how hope and mercy are inexplicably bound…
My soul remembers and is humbled;
This I recall to my mind, therefore I have hope.
I have expectation.
It is because of the Lord’s mercy and loving-kindness
that we are not consumed,
because His tender compassions do not fail.
His mercies are new every morning;
great and abundant is the faithfulness of God.
He is stable and we can trust in the Truth of who He is.
The Lord is the portion which I will receive,
He is my share.
So, I will Hope in Him.
I will wait expectantly for Him.
God is Good to those who wait with hope and expectation.
He is good!
For those who seek Him,
Inquiring, requiring, desiring to be near…
It is good to hope in the Lord,
It is good to wait upon the Lord…
In quiet,safety, we will be redeemed
Salvation is his gift,
filled with the light of Mercy
extended to all who call up on His name, in Faith.
His Mercies are new to us every morning!
Get near to his heart;
Be Mercy filled!
What mercies has the Lord shown you lately? I encourage you to write it down, shout it out, and share it with me in the comments section.
Download the newest journal page: Be Mercy Filled
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Blessings in Grace!