There is often a time where we know we are supposed to do something, we are called, but we are hesitant to lay it out there. A time when we feel the nudge of the Holy reminding us of the place we fill in this dirt packed road we walk upon. Sometimes that road is full of boulders or holes that are strategically placed to get our attention and sometimes it is straight, though narrow.  Then there are times when it is full of beautiful surprises, a blooming joy growing in the path of the walking which makes you stop and take notice of the work He is doing on your behalf, for His glory.


Sometimes when you are stuck in the working and serving you forget that there is One who never sleeps nor slumbers, working consistently on your behalf.  Perhaps there is a lack of  belief or  an unrealized desire to press forward for the weighty, sometimes invisible blessings. These blessings are not ours to keep but given for us to share, a mercy-morsel, if-you-will; a remnant of the bounty of a life-walk towards grace.


So, this week provided a glimpse of what obedient pursuit of His plans can bring. Walking in the valleys leads to mountain top moments. The view is beautiful wherever we are, at the top of the mountain or low in the valley. As we walk on the road to the mountain top, it can also be somewhat surreal, because mountain-top living isn’t a place we spend a lot of time. The journey is the time-builder in our lives. When we reach the valleys, we need to reflect on His grace and sufficiency while we rest IN HIM.  Alternately, when we reach a mountaintop we need to reflect on the mercy of His providence while we boast IN HIM.


It is with much trepidation and a bit of fear and trembling that I share a new joy… a new birth, of sorts, in my life.   A book has emerged from the storehouse of study and teaching to encourage and equip those who are seekers of liberty’s promise.

For years I have had the privilege to teach and lead students and their families in my Constitution classes, and those lessons took root, were knit together and sprouted into a guide that has been published by Bramley Books.   I am so excited to share the news… A Journey In Liberty is now available for pre-order over at Knowledge Quest Maps, the Introduction and Lesson 1 are free for download with 20% off the total prices of the e-book.  You can find out more here.


A Journey in Liberty



I am reminded of  God’s faithfulness through is Word. Turn to 1 Thessalonians 5: 16-25:

16. Rejoice always,  17. Pray continually, 18. Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.19 Do not quench the Spirit.  20.Do not treat prophecies with contempt  21. but test them all; hold on to what is good, 22. reject every kind of evil.23. May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 24. The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it.


It is  a wonder of wonders that someone felt my words were worth the sharing; but even more wonder-full is the sharing of His Word. I am humbled by the opportunity, and thankful for the privilege to share a bit of the blessing with you, with a reminder.


Heed the call He has placed upon your heart. Share your gifts and talents with humble abandon. Boast in Him and His ability and He will make the way plain and clear before you.  Listen for that still small voice which says to you,  “And whether you turn to the right or turn to the left, your ears will hear a message behind you: “This is the way, walk in it.” ~ Isaiah 30:21.


Blessings in Joy to you.


I would love to pray for you.

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