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Eucharisteo, a magical word of Holy connotations, has been sifting through the door of my lips today. Recognizing thankfulness in the midst of chaotic living is nothing short of a miracle.   I am living Eucharisteo today, the art of being thankful. The simplicity of being connected to the only source of living, grounds me when my heart is pounding frantically in fearful exultation of the moment.


To choose joy; purposefully diving into the thankful praise of worship is a path we alone make the choice to follow. He guides, leads, directs and even beckons, yet it is always a willful surrender of my own self-sufficiency which allows me to CHOOSE joy.


Our wounds do not limit us from Eucharisto living, they prepare the way for the receptivity where we are no longer benign to the ministrations of the master healer.  I used to think the wounds were ugly representations of my imperfection; but the depth of my misunderstanding only darkened the beauty of seeing.  Our wounds do not define us but decorate our vessel with the reflection of His Love.  He promises healing to come on the wings of glory.



Micah 4:2 teaches us a valuable lesson, to jump forth and leap for the joy that is ours to grab even when the storms of live rage strong and blow hard. “ But unto you who revere and worshipfully fear My name shall the Sun of Righteousness arise with healing in His wings and His beams, and you shall go forth and gambol like calves ( who are released) from the stall and LEAP for joy.


Eucharisto ,a Greek word from Charis ( meaning grace) and Chara( meaning joy), is an act of choosing; Being thankful with liberal and beneficent grace-living. It is mindful of favors, thankfully pleasing and agreeable towards others. It is a liberal application of mercy’s manifestation of love-living towards others but not w/o first humbly bowing before the Lord.   The “YOO” of Eucharisto, is the Greek derivative, ou¸ which means to be well off and prosper. It is found in the book of Ephesians Chapter 1.  The Greek word charizomai is a derivative of the root of Eucharisto which means to graciously restore one to another with forgiveness.

The face of eucharistos, applying it as a description of my living towards others is a mirror a character of prosperity through graciousness.   A thankful heart is a restorative heart, bringing healing and righteousness into each and every situation. Eucharistos is seen in Colossians chapter 1 in the image of the gratefulness Paul paints for the believers in Colosse in 62 AD admonishing them to rely on the truth of Scripture. It is the whole source of truth.


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Eucharisto living must rest fully in the truth of God’s ability to meet our needs in masterful abundance. The next step leads to trust. Our faith is dependent upon our knowledge of Him. ( Rom 10:17) With faith, even child-like faith…. NO, especially child-like faith, we have no limit in our ability to trust and rest in His sweet presence. Eucharisteo … thankfulness in abundant grace is the fruit of the harvest.


Consecrated simplicity takes away the mess we make of our faith walk. It leads us to Mercy’s full joy. The sheer awareness of love’s sacred celebration of the hope found in the eucharist fills our cups to overflowing so we can walk in the promise found in Psalm 23, surely I mercy and goodness will follow me all the days of my life.


Wounded we come, bleeding we fall;

Thankful we rise, healed by love’s call.

Be consecrated and set apart to walk in the joy of daily choosing to praise with a thanks-filled heart of Eucharisteo.

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