Hebrews 4:12 reminds us of the power of His Word. “For the Word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.”
His Word is ALIVE! It is Power-filled. It is full of the victorious promise of hope and eternal restoration that is equated with resurrection living. All over the scriptures are mustard seeds of faith-filled promises we can grab on to and claim as our inheritance.
Even in the visage of the dying there lies a seed of life.
God is a Restoration Expert.
He has come to give us abundant living by restoring our life with the seeds of faith.
God is actively pursuing His children. He has a divine appointment book, and, as a child of God, YOUR name is written in blood red! You are inscribed on the palms of His majestic hands. ( Is 49:16). That is a selah moment, if there ever was one. ( When we read the Psalms over and over we will find the word Selah~ it means to pause and reflect. It can also mean forever. Either way.. pausing and reflecting or the indication that your name is forever embedded on the hands of the creator is quite humbling.)
This grand plan, inscribed from time eternal, is a well orchestrated symphony that plays a tune of life to the hearer, creating a masterpiece of beauty we may never truly comprehend while the journey is in its infancy, or even its duration.
God is a Restoration Expert!
He has the gift of reclaiming, reorganizing, redistributing and revealing new life with every act he completes. Think about it. In John 10:10 Jesus said, ” The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy: I have come that you may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance ( to the full, till it overflows).” -amplified version.
Consider some examples found in scripture of abundantly living in the midst of restoration power.
- He breathes life into the dry bones. ~ (Ezekiel 37:4) Ezekiel’s army was raised to life as a breath of spirit wind filled this mighty mass for the purpose of abundant living.
- He opens the eyes of the blind. ~ (Luke 18:35-43) Bartimaeus receives his sight as he chooses to forgo the common social order and cry out to the One who could give him sight.
- He brings life out of death. ~ (John 11:17-44 ) Jesus not only restored Lazarus’ life, but the faith of those who had long grown immune to the miracle of faith.
- He regenerates from brokenness through truth scrawled in dust . ~(John 8:1-11) Jesus wrote in the dust, the origin of man, before the accusing fingers of the world before a broken sin-filled woman. It is believe this is Mary Magdalene, whose life was transformed by the touch of the Master’s hand.
- He awards faith with faithfulness. ~ (Matthew 8:5-13) The faith of the centurion, considered great in all of Israel when Jesus spoke to him, recognized the authority of the voice behind the command. His faith was rewarded with the faithfulness of Jesus’ command.
- He restores health, hope, and peace. ~ (Luke 8:43-48) The woman with the issue of blood pushed through the crowd knowing at any moment she could be punished for the mere approach, but she did it anyway. And all she had to do was touch the hem of his robe for the virtue to flow into her body and immediately she knew. Her faith made her whole, Jesus said, and he concluded with ” Go in Peace.”
There is a fine line we must choose to walk when we believe who He says we are and what our future looks like. We can choose the path of restoration, as messy and difficult as it can be. Or we can choose to ignore the call to come. But what would happen if we would just say yes and speak into the dry and dead places, like Ezekiel? What if we stood out on the roadside, crying out in the face of the world’s protocol? What would happen if we dared to believe he can wipe our sin away just as easily as he can write in the dust? What if we had the faith to take Him at His word? What if we had the courage to pursue Him at all costs, just to touch the hem of His robe.
We can be changed in the valley, or especially in the dark places of life, in the street, or in the tomb. We can cry out in faith, we can bow in reverence, and we can stand in awe of Mercy. No matter where we are and what extent we come to, one truth remains. Through faith, though broken by life, when we come to the throne of Grace we can confidently emerge as a beauty whose brilliance shines in reflection of Glory’s paintbrush.
Be encouraged today,
that in every circumstance
we can confidently
draw near to God,
who will also draw near to you.
I pray that you will be filled
with the hope of His glory
and the light of His love,
and may His paintbrush
highlight the exquisite masterpiece
He alone has created you to be.
I would love to pray for you!
Share your prayer requests at dawnboyer@journeysingrace.com