~ But unto you who revere and worshipfully fear My name shall the Sun of Righteousness arise with healing in His wings and His beams, and you shall go forth and gambol like calves released from the stall and leap for joy. ~ Malachi 4:2

There are some things for which mere words are not enough, and we flounder about trying to make them fit the telling.

There are some prayers which can not be said, but for the moan in our heart or the whisper of a tear which traces its iridescent pathway upon the skin.

There are moments in our walk which can not be planned, but must be experienced  to manifest the living.

This morning as I found my way to the window, earlier than my usual start, I saw the creeping of the sun’s rays start to emerge and I heard the call beckoning. A gentle tug to come and watch the majestic transpire.picture 1

I laughed  and hesitated for a moment…only a moment. Was that truly and invitation to sit with the Creator as He, too, watched the start of another day on this orb of clay and water.

…what to wear?? …. yes, that did fly through my mind. It is getting cold here in Northern Illinois. But, thankfully, we are well stocked with mittens, hats, gloves, jackets and quilts.  Oh..and we can’t forget the coffee and my Bible for quiet time on the patio…..

I sit there in the silence and I am in awe of the sounds I hear. The faint wind blowing over the few leaves on the Walnut tree directly in front of me. A brisk wind made light work of the garment of sun catchers that formed a halo over our walnut trees this week. It was like watching a rain shower of lightly falling yellows and greens through the sun scattered sky.  But today, there are no leaves on their stark shadowy limbs.

coffee and devotionalcold on the outside but warm on the inside

Huddled in one of my favorite quilts, warmed by the steam of my coffee as I wrap stiff fingers around ceramic warmth. I wait, I watch, I  I listen.  I see my Bible and my devotional, which I grabbed as I hurried out the door, hoping to be as quiet as possible…. letting the slumbering natives stay snug in their coverlet cocoons as long as possible.   And I laugh because I am not even once going to open the spine of the hallowed Word. I was enticed to come watch, not sit and miss the show.  But isn’t that what we do so often in the busy-ness of our day… miss the show, the magnificent beauty of  glory meeting glory in every moment.

And here I sit, like a statue curled under the blanket sipping on the cream tinged liquid swirling in my mug of green, and  then I see the colors changing like a moving cinema across the horizon. I realize in seconds that I have longed to live in the places where the auroras touch the horizon and dance like waves across the sky, but today, He brought the show right to me.  The different hues of pink  faded to an orange and yellow within seconds, it seemed. My camera couldn’t quite capture the beauty.

Surreal barely manages to convey the reality of the vision.  And I watched.

picture 2


The more I watched the keener my sense of being became. I felt the atmosphere shift and the deepest part of my heart, where the spirit resides, leapt with joy.

I could literally hear the breaking of the dawn upon creation as my eyes registered on my mind the vision before me.

It was the sound of healing.  There is no mistaking it. And all I could do was stare and breathe. The wind blew, but it was not a disturbing wind, it was a peace-filled blowing that brought the voice of the One who gently tugs on the front piece of our hearts, calling and beckoning us back to the security of His embrace.

wings in the sky picture 1

The whole time I am basking in the glorious sight, my heart is reverberating the Word of God, continually reminding me of the precious promises laid clear and true before us.

His wings are  my refuge, His faithfulness is my shield against the arrows that fly in the day.

“He shall cover  you with his feathers, and under his wings you shall trust and and find refuge; His truth and His faithfulness are a shield and a buckler.” ~ Psalm 91:4

I wanted to pray, I wanted to praise, but all I could  do was say His Name,  Jesus.

daylight is coming

The Light is breaking through the darkness.

He is the light that shines in our darkness. He is the daybreak in the trial of night in our lives.  He is the Sun of Righteousness who has been sent to bring healing into the broken places of our living.

I didn’t have to do or say anything but just rest in the present moment, bathing in the beauty of Holiness as it unfolded right before my eyes. Wonder-filled and humbly inspired to live every moment as a sacred promise of this majestic hope.  Reminded that we have all the tools at our disposal to carry on and march forward in the storms of life.

2 Corinthians 10:3-5  ~ “For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but  mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds:) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; ” 

I am reminded that in our lives we have a choice to live and bring life.  And lately, I had not made such wise choices.  It was humbling, and it was hard, but we can be nothing less than transparent and real before the Father of Light. He sees into our darkness and illuminates all the areas where we are holding back from His skilled and precise hand.  He prunes us and disciples us, to make us produce fruit, but He never leaves us alone. He never misses a moment to mold and build us up into the image of the Son.

Son Rise Healing

Experiencing this light show, I was reminded of Malachi 4:2 ~  As I choose to live in the light of the Sun of Righteousness, he changes my heart from glory to glory penetrating deep into my brokenness to reveal beauty, even if it is scarred. He sees me in true light,  where nothing can hide, and still  He embraces the promise of who I am in Him with fervent passionate faith.

Today was a gift, but it was not a new revelation. He continues to set the sun and moon in its path, guiding and directing each rotation of this circling terra-firma. It is there each morning for me to take and rest, absorb, and become renewed in the beauty of His presence. All I have to do is participate.

Welcome SONrise  to the new day

I encourage you today, let him break through the walls you have built around your heart and allow the rays of Son-light to bring the healing and the joy.  Those trials may still be there, and the circumstances in life may still be overwhelming, but w/Christ you can do anything. He is offering the gift of relationship and the promise of eternal peace in Him.  The blessing comes as we yield to His Will in all things.  His peace comes as a faithful assurance that He is near and will gently cover you  with his feathers all while shining his glorious light into the broken places of your heart.

Take time to catch a SunRise this week. Even if you have to snuggle up in all your winter duds to enjoy the beauty of His greeting.

Today I am praying that you will be filled with the healing power of God’s glorious light

and that you would find true joy in His presence.

Please feel free to share a prayer request at dawnboyer@journeysingrace.com

The Daybreak is a promise of  Son-light, bringing you both healing and joy!


Dawn Signature


* All pictures on this post and website are the work of Dawn Boyer unless otherwise noted.