My broken heart’s surrender, to the will of the Father, leads to the sacrificial living that brings Him delight.
As you bow your heart before the Lord, preparing for His entrance, consider how you choose to deliver your invitation.
Are you willing to break with the pattern of the world’s view of living?
Can you pour out your heart before the King in awe and reverential wonder,
so that as you bleed the temporary….
you can be filled with the eternal?
This season of Lent is a preparing for His arrival, repentance, which preceded the Kingdom of Heaven.
Sweep clean the rooms of your heart, removing the dust that has settled and dulled true worship.
Surrender to sacrifice…
worship in spirit and truth…
embrace grace.
My sacrifice to God is a broken spirit; a broken and a contrite heart, such, O God, You will not despise. ~Psalm 51:17 ~
Communing with friends in The Sunday Community and The Sunday Social Blog Hop
I am next to you at Jumping Tandem this week. I have been asking God to deep clean my heart this week.
Beautiful photo, beautiful Wording, wonderful sharing. Thank you.