

The FMF prompt over at Lisa-Jo’s today is :MIGHTY.  Writing together with artists of wordplay for five minutes to share and to muse on the same word; no editing…no revisions… just real and visible thoughts portrayed to another.  I always look forward to this exercise in faith on Friday.  Don’t forget to hop on over to her haven of hope today and visit other like-minded etymologists who share a bit of their heart.www.lisajobaker.com

Five Minute Friday

The geek  in me is going to come through this morning, but I am thinking of water and the miracle of this substance we all take for granted.  It is ready at a moment’s notice.  We only have to lift  a faucet and it is running clean and clear into our sink. It isn’t always that way for others, and I realize how easy it is to take it for granted. I am blessed to have running water.

It is a miracle substance.  One of the few, if only, substances on earth that can be in all 3 states(gas, liquid, and solid) with the chemical make-up of 2 gases that create this polar substance which is a universal solvent.  Immediately, I think of the most significant reason that water, 2 Hydrogen Atoms linked to 1 Oxygen Atom, is so amazingly unique.  The idea of solvency finds its roots in the covalent bond between the hydrogen and oxygen atoms which causes the structure of this liquid, easily forgettable, definitely necessary, substance to exist in all its forms and functions. Hydrogen bonds are some of the strongest in nature, very little can break them unless you apply a force which is greater than the force that holds the atoms together.


Water is a life-giving nutrient that our bodies cannot live without.  Jesus promised the woman at the well that if she would only ask then He would give her a drink which would cause her thirst to be forever quenched.(John 4)  I often thought that was ironic because the  more I know of God, the more time I want to spend in His presence. The more I drink of His Word,  all the more that I need it to sustain me on a daily basis.  The more I find myself near Him, the surer I am that being IN Christ is the only place I belong.

It wasn’t that she would never actually want a drink of water that he was referring to. It was the fact that He is the life source which never runs dry. He will always have enough of the necessary drink that our dry parched souls will need. He is the never ending, all-consuming, life-sustaining source of a well that will always be full of pure crystal clear heavenly water.   Out of him spills the rivers of water that bleed abundance and provision for our every need.


So go to the well, and dig deep. Put your bucket low and immerse it in the River of Life. Let the liquid refreshment bathe you in the beauty of holiness so that you are baptized in He blessed love, which is MIGHTY to save us from the power of darkness and translate us into the Kingdom of Light.


 John 4:14 ~ But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.


Bless you as you drink of Him today!


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Linking up with LisaJo at Five Minute Friday. Hope on over and read about how you can help her prove that a momma’s job is such a precious and vital blessing.