Thanksgiving creates an atmosphere of multiplicity. Prayer is ushered in on the wings of compassion. Faith in God must be applied constantly in our lives, so that what we ask for, we also believe we will receive.
In our generation the gift of compassion has been altered to focus more on the material need and less on the immaterial, eternal purpose. There is a deep abounding need to cover what people are lacking in our current era with material and temporal, but there is a much greater absence of the emptiness which is hidden in the heart. The problem is most of us have no idea there is something missing. We are missing the heart of the real deficiency.
This generation needs watchers.
Every generation has its prayer warriors who see beyond the veil of opaque, yet transparent, screens, and look well to the missing link. We need these people to rise up around us who will admit the depravity of soul that has warped sociecty depleting us of the necessary light that centers the soul and calms the heart of man.
Mark 13 is a warning to all of us to watch and be alert to the signs that are around us. The amplified version gives a great translation of verse 37, “And what I say to you I say to everybody: Watch! ( give strict attention, be cautious, active, and alert.)
Of all the lessons I have leared, the most significant is this: We pray to get to the center of HIS will.
Looking to Jesus as the example, I encourage you to open your Bible to Mark 14:32-42 These verses show Jesus going to the garden to pray and seek the will of the Father. He comes to find the 3 men he trusted, believed in, poured of himself into, sleeping and unable to stay awake to pray for him as he prepares for the very reason He was sent.
Then verses 33-36 reveal the despair he was feeling at the burden upon his soul:
“And he took with him Peter and James and John, and began to be sore amazed and to be very heavy; And said unto them, My soul is exceeding sorrowful unto death: tarry ye here, and watch. And he went forward a little, and fell on the ground, and prayed that, if it were possible, the hour might pass from him. And he said, Abba, Father, all things are possible unto you: take away this cup from me: nevertheless not what I will, but what you will. “
Then in verse 38 He instructs the disciples to stay awake to avoid temptation.
“Keep awake and watch and pray constantly, that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit truly is ready, but the flesh is weak.”
Then his response was to go again and pray. Vs 39. “And again he went away, and prayed, and spoke the same words.”
Your purpose in prayer is to find HIS will.
Prayer is a gift we have to work out the agony in our heart. It is a deposit we can make that no matter the amount or measure of it, there will be a positive yield. There is no risk in prayer. He already sees us and knows our need. He already judges our situation rightly.
The purpose of prayer is to come to the end of ourselves and meet the WILL of God,not to manipulate His will so that it fits our plan.
We are limited in our ability to pray when we view it as a means to get what we want. We need to see prayer clearly, with blinders removed, as a means of getting to the Will of God. Friend you need to relinquish the death grip on the dying and grab onto the life-building hand offered in prayers of promise.
Prayer is the power cord that connects us to the power source.
Prayer makes the connection possible. The circuit of electric life-flowing power which is a result of living through prayer is the fuse box that routes the current of our power source. When we are rightly connected with Him, to His Will, our prayers will produce the fruit that our storehouses cannot fully contain.
I want to challenge you to spend time this week just seeking HIS will. Look again to his Word for the timely direction. Psalm 37:4-5, “Delight yourself in the Lord; and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.”
Seek His Will. SEEK Him first and trust that he will reveal himself to you. ( Matt 6:33)
I’ve learned as I come to prayer with my heart in this position of humility, He meets me where I am. This type of prayer is often one of the hardest for us to perform, though. It seems odd because it requires us to be still. It requires us to wait and be patient. Yet the Word reminds us to let patience have her perfect work within our hearts, so that through endurance faith will be produced.(James 1:4) And remember we must have faith to be pleasing to God. (Heb 11:6)
This week I want to encourage you to take time each day to sit quietly before the Lord. Let your mind be clear of requests, petitions, and worries and let God meet you just where you are. Worship Him in your heart and with your willingness to wait upon him and I promise you won’t be disappointed. Come again, and again, and again bowing your heart and, if need be, your body, so that you are tireless in your approach. Seek the throne in your time of need so that your needs are met in abundance.
Prayer brings us the end of ourselves so as we wait upon God to meet our needs out of His abundance.
Do you have a testimony of this pursuit of prayer which seeks His will over your own? Please share it with me in the comment section.
How has your faith increased as you have sat quietly before the Lord in prayer?
Praying for you to be located right in the middle of His Will!
Blessings and Prayer,
Linking up with Jen and the SDG Party at Finding Heaven Today.