It is Five Minute Friday  and I am writing at 2:00 am because I can’t sleep. I am sure this will be my most real post, ever.  But that is ok. That is what this is about. Writing your heart for 5 min. straight and stripping off the coverings that keep us veiled from the ones who need to see us.

The word today is Glue.


My daughter has lived a life that has not often held days of immense joy. She has endured the tests, the questions, the pronouncements, and the pain of a chronic health issue for 18 years, her whole life.  Each day she greets me with smile and a hug. The strongest most heart-felt hug I recieve all day long, and there are times I am too busy to feel it. I have so much to do that I don’t stop and bask in the love she is sharing.

There was a time she didn’t do that. There was a time she was so lost in the world of medication

that she rarely lived at all. And I forget.

Haleigh and Lauren  b w

And today as she endures one more disappointment I see the strong and resilient woman she has become. One

more seizure that shakes up the day, messes with plans, and steals the hope away.  I envy her strength as mine spills out with tears and prayer for God to bring healing. I see her passion to live and be exactly who He has made her to be and I am humbled by the way she already knows who she is.  I feel her heart beat and I long to wrap my arms around this woman-child of mine and tell her everything is ok when my heart wants to break…and she comforts me as I fail to be the encourager she needs.


But then I look at her once more and I see His hand, feel His presence, know His touch, and hear His heart.  HOPE is bound in the promise that He never once leaves us nor forsakes us.


Today is a day of quiet solitude as we remember the pain Jesus went through for our reconciliation to God.  Today as I watch my daughter’s pain and trials, I see His life bound in hers. Her faith  has drawn me to the CROSS daily. Her love has mended a shattered heart as she quietly reveals God’s love in her life. Her faith has been a beacon for many to see His faithfulness. Her life is a reminder that God is always good.. All the time.. even in the hard times…HE IS ALWAYS Good.

She is the GLUE that has sealed up the edges of  faith’s envelope.




Only in Christ,
























Five Minute Friday


Sharing with Lisa Jo and others in the FMF  Series.