Five Minute Friday has a new home this week at “Heading Home” with Kate.  She encourages us, as starts this avenue of leading wordsmiths in the art of community, to join and write for 5 minutes each Friday (or Thursday evening if you are on top of your game) on a similar word letting your own thoughts flow. I love this challenge to write and to serve up a substance that is similar to food in our acquisition of its fullness. Write to inspire, to direct, and to bring hope… whatever your reason, I was reminded this week, JUST WRITE!

I am also visiting and linking up with other friends this week, in an effort to be social, of course. I encourage you to visit these sweet ladies and their blogs listed the end of the post. I am always blessed by their words and I KNOW you will be too!



The word for this week is: FILL

Fill.. it is full of promise and hope. I love this four letter word, HOPE and it is no coincidence that FILL and HOPE are united together.  To fill up on the goodness of God, a measure of faith and joy, is a promise given to the heart of each open vessel by the indwelling of His Holy Spirit.

That was my prayer this morning. Lord, fill… fill… fill… with more of you.  I love that today’s word to wax eloquently is FILL, because that  is the cry  of my heart before the Cross.

When we are full of His goodness, FILLed by the reservoir of life that comes with His presence we are empowered. The active participation of being filled by God is dualistic. We must empty ourselves of all those things that are in the way so that our vessels are ready to be receptive to the power of all that He is.  Empty yourselves of all that detracts from the opportunity to FILL up on the abundance that is awaiting.

Jesus said that you can’t put new wine into old wineskins without ruining them. (Luke 5:37) He reminds us that we have to be refreshed so that we can be refueled for the express purpose of pouring out into others.

{Did you ever think about what it means to FILL?} This summer I am learning that we are being prepared for the harvest, the epitome of being full and overflowing. This process of filling and overflowing though is more about sharing the bounty rather than preserving myself and that changes my perspective.  You see, He will FILL you up so that you will spill into each other. 

Feast or Famine there will always be a place at the Table of God where you can be actively receiving or giving grace to one another, always taking part in the process of replenishing life, always participating in the ability to fill… whether for your needs or into the needs of others.

With God, the purposeful act to FILL is intricately linked with hope, and ultimately leads to grace as we imitate His heart towards abundance.

Fill up on His goodness and Fill others out of the overflow!



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Linking up with  friends and their stories today:

Kate @ Five Minute Friday

Julie @ Christian Mommy Blogger

Laura @ Missional Women

Lyli @ Thought Provoking Thursday