This week’s word at FMF is gentle and poignant, a word I need to pay attention to… we are reminded in scripture to listen for the gentle wind that carries His voice to our ears. It is significant that we are writing on the importance of what a WHISPER is today, timely for me to be considering it’s relevance.  Join me as I ponder the breath released promise it holds for the next 5 minutes.



a whisper calls us forward

A whisper causes us to lean in and to explore hope. It urges us to actively move towards the sound it releases in eager anticipation of the message.  I didn’t want to write today, to think or consider the implications of this word becasue sometimes it is painful to hear the whispers that beckon. Sometimes we give time to words and phrases bound in the whispers that have no prominence in our daily remembering. That is the time when we need to speak out truth in the middle of our moving, so that we congregate closely to the gentle wind that has been blowing over our souls bleeding destiny…. to lean into the hope of being called by LOVE.

Sometimes the whisper is the longed for sound in the midst of the quiet as you are waiting for hope to abound near. It is the anticipated answer to the prayer spoken ages before, found in the bent knee. Usually, we have to be utterly quiet, our heartbeat pounding a rhythmic song for our souls to keep time with, waiting… yielding… looking.

Seeking solace in His Word each morning awakens the megaphone that my heart needs to hear His whisper of peace in the midst of a  symphony of sounds and echoes.  We are rewarded with deepened faith, answered prayer, and inspiration as we move into the passing presence that gentleness breezes over us, waiting at the open cavern of Wisdom’s habitation.

I am refreshed in that moment, the wild worldy whispers are quieted, and His heart is magnified in my own. That early morning visit to the dwelling place of peace is enough to vibrate the vocal harmony into a song He has made just for me… He calls me daughter.

These moments fill me up to prepare me for the whispers that flood in all throughout the day. Words spoken, sometimes whispered loudly, but each one filled with destiny.  As I started to write I realized that the whispers that reverberate in my soul are often beating and competing for the same place.  As he calls me daughter, preparing me to move ahead  He reminds me of the joys of  also being  called Wife, Mom,Sister, and Friend.

The blessing of a the whisper is hearing the endearment of my name, that which I am called, by the ones I love the most. Whispers beckon us to hear the song of the beloved in the voices that grace our days, imitating Love.



Praying you  hear the whispers of hope calling you beloved today!

In Him,

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Linking up with Kate today and the Five Minute Friday Crew. Stop over at Heading Home and be filled with a joyous chorus of encouragement imitating the Holy sound of the gentle whisper today.