The words are swirling through the air this time of year, exultations of promise and faith to lead and guide us through the coming year. Of course, it is not a new phenomenon, as this has been the way of many who are hedging hope on the very WORD of God looking ahead to the coming days and weeks of the New Year.
I didn’t realize how much a part of my prayer life these words have been until the looking back opened my eyes to see just where He has met me in my journey to this thing called grace.
I don’t know why I am consistently in awe of the things He has done, I mean… I walked them out, right? I patterned a path after Him as I pursued the peace only He can give, and I lived it… yet, sometimes I forget. Sometimes I don’t remember the things He has already done, and I have to rehearse the wonder, just like the Psalmist reminded us to do.(Psalm 75)
I find myself standing in AWE of this God of my heart, this Master of Creation, the Original Mover, and the Author of Love. He is amazing.
Breath-taking beauty escalates out of the very essence of His presence and we should be reverent in our pursuit of His Holiness, because the One who takes our breath away, by the sheer glory of His fullness, also fills us with the breath of heaven and the light of hope.
And this…this is what strikes me… Without His fullness within our hearts we can never truly BEHOLD the beauty of the Lord the way we are meant to, because we will never see as we should unless He first gives us sight.
So I ask you what does it mean to you, in your dictionary of life-living, to SEE?
The word used in Psalm 27:4 for behold is the Greek word optomai , which literally means to gaze with eyes wide-open at something remarkable. This is a pattern of the heart of one whose gaze is fully fixed upon the LORD.
One thing have I desired of the LORD, that will I seek after: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the LORD, and to inquire in His temple.
Embracing majesty,BEHOLDING glory!
I have been asking the Lord for months to show me what I am called to embrace this year. What purpose, lesson, or prayer should be my focus for 2015?
I have been remembering the things He has done, looking back with wonder at the season He has led us through. I have found myself settling in silence as I waited for Him to show me.
When the words are bouncing together in our hearing, we can sometimes confuse the message. Sometimes, we just need to toss them around, refining them as they tumble and turn in our thoughts and wait for His leading, wait for the vision to see truth. The waiting on the words, I am sure is meant to refine us as well but it is sometimes unsettling because you may feel you have missed something.
Do you ever feel that way? Do you ever feel like perhaps you just missed His voice in the vast wilderness of clanging noise in the symphony of the day?
Be Still… and Know I am God.{Be Still and Know I work in your midst.}I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth. – Psalm 46:10 {emphasis mine}
My word for this year was not as easy to decipher as in years past. Yet I found it while camping in the red-letter words of my Savior…looking for Him instead of a word. And isn’t that the way of it?
When we seek the One who is the WORD, it usurps all the rest.
Looking, regularly, through the promises that He left us to read and absorb released me to receive that one that I felt I had missed. I waited. I read. I prayed. I focused on His words rather than looking for the one word that epitomized a collective anthem for my 365 days to come.
Slowly digesting the books of John and Hebrews, I have been trusting that He would speak to me through His Word as he often does. Immediately, this first chapter of John spoke to my heart about the power of Words, because He is the Word made flesh for us. Resting and re-reading the Truth layered in the 1st chapter alone I saw a nugget I failed to mine before.
This time of waiting reveals our layers that need to be pulled back and removed, because the light of the Gospel exposes the darkness within.
I find it incredible how the Word always points out the deep things of our hearts, because it does that you know… it pulls back the layers we wear as shields of protection. Our education, our titles, our influence, our friendships, our jobs, our bank accounts, our shiny decorations…whatever it is, friends..they are as chaff that blows in the wind.
Truly, I am learning this deep truth: There is no point in the covering we wear if it keeps us from truly being found by the One who can clothe us with eternity. He, who is swathed in glory, is waiting with His own mantle to drape over us, protecting from the destructive elements innate in our pilgrimages of this world.
Jesus reveals Himself in words of affirmation and authority when He finds us looking.
Jesus revealed Himself to each of the disciples in a way that testified of His authority. Yet, the lessons were not just for those early Christ-followers, they are there for us to take in and absorb, too. He met them where they were. He knew exactly what they needed to hear, in order to believe.
He knows exactly what we need to hear, also. He speaks the language of our heart.
When Jesus met Nathanael, this true descendant of Jacob with whom there was no duplicity, He unraveled the words that were uttered right before He spoke, and further de-robed the layers of the doubt that were haphazardly thrown over the heart, just like we can do, now, in our everday living.
He said, “I saw you.”
A disbelieving Nathanael was now aware, for the first time, really aware of what it meant to be found and he was given new sight.
This beholding the Lord has for us, it is our undoing. It will strip us bare to the point that we are no longer able to stand before Him in any other way than humbled and awed, just like Nathanael did when he was found. And in this.. this moment of undoing, we BEHOLD both the promise and the vision of redemption.
When God sees us, WE are getting a glimpse of glory and a chance to see all things anew.
As the words tumbled in my mind of all I wanted to commit to the new year ahead, a resolution of sorts, I guess, many started with the word, BE. Be Intentional, Be full of Worship, Be Present, Be faithful. Be Consistent. Be diligent.
In one moment of clarity, one word, He revealed that my focus this year is to BEHOLD.
BEHOLD Him in splendor, glory and truth. Here in this place of rest and adoration, my eyes will be remade with clearer vision and focus. This one thing, the right thing, it is necessary and as I respond to the call, everything else will fall into place. BEHOLD Him, as the prize and desire of my heart and I will find:
- Intentional living through my days and my relationships.
- A heart full of reverential awe and true worship.
- Consistency in prayer, service, and joy.
- Diligence in the little and the big moments.
The words we share often point us to lessons we need to learn.
2013 revealed the power of HOPE repeatedly. It prepared me for the coming year where I would LEAN upon God continually. These hard lessons bring me to this place where I am now, willing to submit the sacred places I had formerly withheld from His capable hands. As I lay down those precious dreams and goals, I can almost hear Him sigh audibly with that patient love filled heart, a sweet melodic, “Finally”, whispered into the cavern of my soul.
Why does it take us so long to get to this place where freedom is only a breath prayer of submission away?
Once again, this destiny of promise was waiting for me in His Word with a fulfillment and confirmation of the direction He is taking me. To gaze deeply, contemplating with pleasure and mentally preparing my heart and my mind to perceive, to be aware, to fully know. To Behold!
And he sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. Also He said to me, Write: for these words are true and faithful. Revelations 21:5
Friends, this gift of His Word and a Word, they are filled with promise and hope. They bring us closer to this place of sanctification through Christ. Has he given you a WORD or a prayer for 2015? I’d love to stand with you in prayer as you Embrace His Majesty and Behold His Glory in this coming year.
May He make all things new and blessed in you!
I have created a Preparing for 2015 Prayer Journal to help you as you pursue His heart for your 2015. I’d love to share it with you.
Linking up with friends who are sharing their words and stories of faith:
SDG Gathering, MADM,Inspire Me Monday, Playdates With God, Unite,One Word, Coffee For Your Heart, #TellHisStory, Three Word Wednesday, Wednesday Prayer Girls, Thought Provoking Thursday, Fellowship Fridays, Missional Women, Counting My Blessings, Faith and Fellowship Blog Hop, Equipping Godly Women,Saturday Soiree, My Freshly Brewed Life, Give Me Grace
Behold. May it be a wonderful year as He reveals Himself to you fresh and new. Great post.
Thanks Wendy! I LOVE your blog name! Just made we smile when I saw it. I am thankful you stopped by today and shared an encouragement.
love this post. Visiting from three word wednesday. I love reading your process of how God led you to your word Behold! I am praying you Behold the lamb in such powerful ways this year!
Thank you for that powerful prayer, I agree! May He touch your life in a new and glorious way this year, Jenn! So glad you shared your thoughts here.
Beautiful, just beautiful Dawn! You are an amazing warrior woman after God’s own heart! Thanks so much for sharing with us : )
🙂 And from you sweet friend, that is a treasured blessing to hear. I appreciate you and your fire to serve others and make a difference for the Lord. You are going to blaze a trail for Him and it is a privilege to watch.
Lovely post. I enjoyed it. I would love to connect. Maybe you could even guest blog for me. God bless!
Thank you Jodi! I am so glad you are here.
Bless you much!
What a beautiful word! It’s not a word we use very often, but it is so complex and true exactly how we need to see the mighty acts of the Lord–with more a more awe and wonder. My word is ‘deeper.’ And I’m praying that God works through our words to help mold us into the people he wants us to be.
Amen Anita!! I agree! May he work through our words and our lives to touch hearts for eternity and may He take you deeper than you every thought possible in your walk with Him. I am blessed you shared your word and I am thankful for your visit!
Bless you!
Love it – and how you shared the process of coming to that word! “This time of waiting reveals our layers that need to be pulled back and removed, because the light of the Gospel exposes the darkness within.” —> YES! So true! Thanks for linking up at #ThreeWordWednesday.
Thank you Kristin! I am thankful you stopped by and shared your thoughts, I appreciate them deeply. You are an encourager and an inspiration. Keep shining for Him!
Dawn, what an incredible word the Lord has given you. It holds a great deal of promise to know that He intends for you to “behold” this year. Can’t wait to read more about the journey ahead. Blessings!
You have precious heart and I was touched when I stopped by your sweet little home on-line. You made me think about the importance of why we write and inspired me to keep that on the forefront as I share words of encouragement here.
Bless you!
Dawn, I’m blessed to be your neighbor and #TellHisStory and smiling over here at the serendipity (God grace orchestration) of linking up next to you. Your post resonates so closely with mine! I, too, shared this week about seeking the Lord’s will through a word or prayer for the coming year. And he first took me back to catalog through thanks the work he had already done. It was through that that he graciously spoke to my heart the one word I wasn’t at all expecting: CONTINUE. Continue to believe that I will finish the good work I have began in you, He said. (Phil. 1:6) And continue to be obedient in the big and small faith steps I ask you to take and overflow with thanks. (Col: 2:6-7) So it’s with joy and hope that I continue in Him. <3 Blessings.
I am thrilled you were able to stop by and share your thoughts and your word with me. I pray that God will continue to manifest His power and grace in every aspect of your life and as you rest in Him that you will continually be renewed by His spirit! So good to have you visit!
I love that you listened for a word to be given to you instead of picking one that just seemed to look good like so many people do. My word this year is Finish. I have so many loose ends especially in Bible study’s and even housework that the word just spoke to me because it isn’t only something I should do, it is something I NEED TO DO so that I can rest easily in His embrace. My verse of the year is “All things are possible with God” -Mark 10:27 and I think in a lot of ways this is telling me that it is possible to FINISH if I keep God first 🙂 Thanks for sharing your story about how your word found you!
Hi Marisa
Finish is a fantastic word to keep in your sights for the year, and of course, your verse is one we need to think on EVERY SINGLE DAY. (sometimes for me I think even minute by minute) 🙂
I am praying that as you meet each new day of this year that He has already seen you to the end of, (Psalm 139) that you will look back and be able to breathe blessings and grace into all you have finished and completed as He is completing you in the process. Phil 1:6.
Thanks so much for stopping to share your word!
Bless you!
I like the idea of rehearsing the good God has done in our lives and how often we allow our attention to drift and don’t see the Lord!
I know, Helene! It really does make us stop and look a all the magnificence that He has displayed before us. That verse in Psalm 75 always sounds in my memory as I think of how we share the majesty of God when we tell about what He has done. There is a lot of power in the testimony we give!
Thanks for stopping by!
Thank you, Dawn for this beautiful reminder. You have a way with words. Love this, “I find it incredible how the Word always points out the deep things of our hearts, because it does that you know… it pulls back the layers we wear as shields of protection.”
Much to think about and consider in this post.
Thank you for your affirmation and encouragement, Donna. I am glad you stopped by. I hope you will come back and journey with me a little more as I delve into the power of beholding Him in all we do.
Bless you!
Stopping by from Fellowship Fridays. I am always in awe of the miracles God performs in my life. Always guiding gently even when I am not paying attention. My word for 2015 is growth and I hope to grow in faith and to be filled with the spirit as I love and serve the Lord. God Bless.
That is a great word, Michelle… Growth! It allows for the exponential promises of God to bloom and multiply in your every moment. I pray your faith would be as prosperous and bountiful as the Spirit is shed abroad in your heart! Thank you for sharing your word here.
Blessings to you!
Beautiful Dawn. He is making all things new. He is victorious. Looking forward to beholding His glory as He works in our lives this year. Blessings!
Isn’t that what is amazing, Deb.. How he makes us new and refashions hearts for glory! Thanks for stopping by and for taking time to leave a bit of your encouragement. You make me smile!
What a beautiful post, Dawn! Such a great vision of beholding the Lord. Thank you for sharing this, and I can’t wait to read what the Lord will teach you through this word this year! This is staying with me today: “This time of waiting reveals our layers that need to be pulled back and removed, because the light of the Gospel exposes the darkness within.”
My grace traveling friend, I am so glad you stopped and shared a bit of blessing with me. Praying for His grace to fill you in every moment.
Bless you!
I have come here several times now just to soak in the beauty of your words. The grace in your words. It’s always a breath of fresh air to come sit with you here for a bit. Thank you for that. I’m pondering this >>> “The words we share often point us to lessons we need to learn.” I believe that’s how God brought me to my word for the year: SELFLESS . . . it was many words that all pointed to this one.
I so look forward to journeying through another year with you, friend. You are a blessing! Love you. xoxo
Thank you friend. Each time you visit it is a gift to my heart, because you are an encourager and you share His love wherever you go!
Bless you!
Thank you for sharing! Behold is a great word! It instantly made me think of my two favorite scriptures: Genesis 1:1 and psalm 46:10.Thank you, I enjoyed reading your thoughts.
Beautiful Dawn! What really caught my attention was without the fullness of God in our hearts we cannot truly see the beauty. I am blessed to know God and to share in His beauty daily. May we all behold our God and learn the truth in His Words that were written for all. Blessed you joined The Weekend Brew.
Beautiful Blog. I followed you from inspire me mondays.
I am glad I came.
God Bless and good work.