Life has been busy and full lately. Some of the fullness is because it is that time of year, others because I am learning to live grace in real life, not just typing about it to you on my keyboard, and others because there are celebrations and presentations making their way into our living.
The end of the year for this homeschooling family is loaded with commitments, things we have worked hard all year to prepare for, and trying to tie up those loose ends: Recitals, Science Fairs, End-of-the-Year Programs, Tests, Parties…..etc. I am sure even if you are not a homeschooling family it is busy for you, too.
Besides the school commitments and writing commitments that I have failed to meet, where I am learning the art of rediscovering grace, our computer has decided to make its end known. Do you know how hard it is to do all of the above without a computer? 🙂
So today’s post is a gentle request for grace as I take time to meet the deadlines and still be momma with a little bit of grace. I may not be posting much over the next few weeks, or I may find time to just pen a few words of encouragement as time allows, but know that I am praying for those of you who grace my proverbial doorstep and share time with me.
Here are a few random moments where I got to rediscover grace lately.
I had a chance to share grace with my friend Beth, from Simply Beth. It was such a blessing to absorb the beauty of conversation that is bound in the collective journey to the throne of grace together. It made this blogging journey feel a little more real, a little more tangible. We talked about what the evidence of love really looked like and whether or not we were living it out in real life on our own stage.
Beth challenged me to pursue this selfless journey to letting Him be fully involved in every single decision. She reminded me of the grace of learning to love when hurt by life’s disappointments, to shine and share from a heart that has been baptized with sweet generosity, and she encouraged me with the time that was set aside just to connect and invest in one another.
There is something beautiful that transpires when God unites hearts for His glory and that is what we experienced together as we put aside the shields that can easily go up when we commune together.
Just this week I became an aunt again, for the first time on my side of the family. Holding my nephew in my arms filled me with the awesome awareness of God’s faithfulness as we persist in prayer. I wasn’t quite prepared for the emotion that flooded my being when I got to hold him for the first time. I have been blessed to have a very precious relationship with my brother. The moment I was able to embrace this precious baby boy, the Lord reminded me that His promises are yes and amen to those who love Him and pray according to His will. He is faithful, friends, and though our answers don’t always come in the packages or the timelines that suit us when we pray, He in His Amazing Grace, knows best.
Just seeing the sweet face of a precious new life brought in waves of awe and wonder. We all need to be reminded of the preciousness of life, the beauty of love displayed in the sigh and the squeak of a newborn babe and the heart connecting when two dear hearts, who were blessed to find love, see the fruit of that love as they complete their circle with the confirmation of a new life.
This week I have the privilege to share some thoughts over at 5 Minutes for Faith. Just a few little words to help you remember the importance of resting deep in His embrace, rejoicing in His goodness, and refueling your soul with the washing of His life giving Word. I’d love to have you visit me there, if you can.
For the next few weeks I am going to be focusing on teaching my kiddos, finishing well with my students, and executing a phenomenal science fair, but I plan to be back the beginning of May with the next installment in my Warrior Heart Series. This time I will have a conversation that I shared with my friend Tarissa from Introverted Mama. We are going to be talking about unbelief and how it robs us of grace. You won’t want to miss this post.
Praying for your heart to be blessed with real relationships, loving memories, faith-filled encouragements, and grace in abundance.
I love Beth and how awesome that you got to sit with her and share your hearts together. Seeing your nephew makes me all giddy because my daughter is due to give birth any moment now with our first grandchild — a boy! I’m going to have to catch up on your post over at 5MFF. It sounds timely for me in this seasons.
Sweet friend, you have no idea how much your words have blessed me this morning. Our time together last week is something I have reflected on often over the course of the week because it truly was such a time of refreshment. Something beautiful did transpire during our time together. And I love the opportunity we have to continue to grow our friendship. Love the pictures of the precious nephew. I’m sure your sister-in-law loved the flowers you brought her too. <3
Much love to you.