home is a collection


My friend Emily has a gift for creating hope with her words and her stories and today I have the privilege to share a little piece of grace with her at our spot of welcome here. I would love it if you were able to stop by and check in with her heart as she has downloaded another piece of grace in the collection of words and encouragement with her new book, Making it Home,  empowering us to get close to the Father  as we pursue our identity. 


Cover Art


Home is His heart and what we allow Him to make in us as he takes our shattered broken pieces and blends beauty with grace to make a welcome place where love resides.

When I think of what the word ‘home’ means  every image I recall has nothing to do with an actual building, but instead it is the essence of life lived well.  In the repository of collected thoughts that blend with my remembering I can see  a mosaic of color each memory represents.  Like a tattoo upon our soul, the fragments are uniquely ours and line the shelves of the story that we are writing with our days.

Home is not just a place but a collection of pieces which create a masterpiece of grace.

Like a stained glass window that requires each piece of glass to complete the masterpiece, so our lives are built upon the pieces of our living that lead us home. The pieces are colored by the experiences we have known, each one significant to the person we are and the life that we live.

Home is defined by the memories, the people, the time, and talents sewn into the frame.

Except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain who build it…Psalm 127:1



You can read the rest of this post over at Emily’s home on the web here.








This post was written as a part of a blog hop for the launch of Emily Wierenga’s new book, Making it Home.