A time will come, however, indeed it is already here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in Spirit and in truth; for the Father is seeking just such people as these as His worshipers. God is a Spirit and those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and truth.
– John 4:23-24
Today has started with deep thinking, penetrating the holy, contending for those things that need to be fought for. Sacrificing time and self, the Lenten Journey of discovering Christ, is leading me down the only road that we the wholly broken are able to walk. Reckless abandoned Worship in love for God.
Worship, friends, deep and mysterious is reserved for only One.
It has to start in a love of God. It has to be a soul wrecking reality that exposes our always existent need for grace.
This spirit-filled worship, which overflows our total nature, can never come from mere doctrinal knowledge.The Scribe tells of what he has read, and the prophet tells of what he has seen, and the Spirit of Truth utters forth worship.
And worship opens up the doors that have been closed by unbelief releasing the prayer of our hearts to be free.
“Hearts that are fit to break with love for the Godhead are those who have been in His presence and have looked with open eye upon the majesty of the Deity.” – AW Tozer
I am journeying with Margaret Feinberg and others for 40 days as we seek to be transformed by the awesome power God while we rest in His Words. I have been convicted about this giving up and this letting go. It lines up with my word for 2016, RELEASE, and the change that is bound to happen when we are loved by God so much that we put on a servant garment and bend to wash other’s feet. We can’t get there without His help.
We need to bow low, we need to bend deep, we need to risk it all to put on the garment of praise, friends.
Are you willing to go? Consider this an invitation to join the journey.
I will be sharing some of these Lenten thoughts on Fridays as I journey my way to the Cross with fellow pilgrims. You can learn more about it here. More than sharing my thoughts with you, I long to grasp hands and seek Him together and openly pray for you as you prepare the way for the Lord of the Resurrection to raise up your broken hearts with His in Glory.
It is no coincidence that the need to release my all, lines up with the season of lent, and the wilderness living required of us before He breaks upon our today in order to influence our tomorrow. Whatever it is that you are contending for, whatever it is that has on your knees hoping for a mountain moving miracle to take place. Can I encourage you to stand with hands uplifted and be reckless in your faith today. Be wholly broken so that He can put you back together in His grace. Be willing to worship Him in spirit and in truth friends.
May we have the veils lifted from our eyes to let us see with wonder. May His Spirit break each stronghold that argues against the freedom He has already given. Let the heart of worship clothe our souls. Let the words of praise fill the skies. Let every knee bend low, touching soil, broken and ready. Let Holy abandon settle and weigh upon every heart in present surrender. Let Love so invade our atmosphere that we no longer doubt God is here. Let our worship be true, unveiled and pure as we, the wholly broken, recklessly abandon ourselves to love God in spirit and in truth.
There is a sweet little book, Holey Wholly Holy, written for such a time as this by a blogging friend which I think you may enjoy. It is a little piece of grace and I’d love to give a copy of the kindle version away to one of my readers. Please leave a comment below and let me know what traditions you practice as you prepare for the Journey to the Cross.
Beautiful words. I pray this has been a wonderful Lenten season of Release for you!
It has been an amazing journey, as only time in His Word can be. And only God could have known how perfectly suited these days of traipsing with the Savior through the story of redemption and the Apostles as they activated their faith would be. Especially as I am learning daily how to release everything into His capable hands. Your comment made my day!
Bless you!