I filled out an application for employment last week.  Other than my tutoring gig, and  a few failed work-at-home prospects, I haven’t been employed for the last 19 years.  It was weird. Half-way through the application I stalled for fear I would make a mistake.   Yet,  what gave me the longest pause was realizing the way time has moved on.

Seriously, twenty years flew by and I didn’t even realize that chunk of time was gone until I had to account for it.  I find myself counting things habitually… all.the.time. So why was I so shocked that the earth has circled the sun nearly two times ten revolutions since I was last gainfully employed outside of the home?

My last real job (if you don’t count being a mom and a home educator and a tutor) was in a clinic. My job included headphones, a typewriter,  one of those tiny tapes the doctors wrote stories on, my foot pedal and a tape player.  In my corner away from the world I was content to pluck keys and transpose letters all day long.  I loved that a job.

My type-A, time-is-my-love-language soul, could quantify and collect the time spent with a calculated value of output and achievement. But twenty years of mothering and teaching doesn’t always produce immediate results and my most important job sometimes didn’t feel like I was accumulating anything except repeated lessons in humility and discipline.

Really, the humility and discipline was more for me than my kids cause you know that growing people up is like holding a mirror up to all your flaws with a magnifying glass for all the world to see.

But how do we measure a life’s work like that? I am not sure it is possible this side of eternity to see the weight of our working in the unseen places, but I want to believe that they are not for naught.  I am holding on to those words in Proverbs that talk about training our children and trusting they will always return to the truth.

Sometimes, though we find ourselves in a transition season.  A space where we are still moving on but changing just the same. Kind of like those unseen moments that eternity weighs heavy, these transition spaces are deep and wide in the timeline of our days.

Transitions are  probably some of my least favorite seasons in life.  The reforming-perfectionist in me struggles a little with not knowing all the answers. I have a tendency to  over-analyze.  Paul talked about these transition moments in the book of Philippians…and how we  need to travel through them.

I know how to be abased (humbled) and I know how to abound (excel): everywhere and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need.  I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me. – Philippians 4:12-13

This is that verse  I confess like a mantra for courage and fortitude to do those things that I don’t think I can do. It’s the answer I give my kids when the word ‘can’t’ flows out of their mouth like a challenge I dare them to defy.

Because the Word of God is like medicine for our souls when we are in doubt…and  grace is the remedy for those transition spaces.

We can be content in the transition seasons we experience, even though they are full of unknowns.  Paul encouraged the believers in Philippi to be humbled and to excel alike.  Think about that, to have the same contentment when we are humbled low as we do when we are lifted up. The reference  in scripture is bound by the Greek word isotimos which means ‘to be equal’.

But I want to show you one of those precious truths that studying God’s Word allows us to see. Right here in the middle of the 1st verse is the word, myeo in Greek. When translated it means instructed, it is speaking of the way we follow God in our journeys. The literal definition means to be initiated in the mysterious revelation of contentment  that is in Christ.

As we transition, in every season and moment of our lives, without exception, we are being initiated in the tenets of true worship,  opening the secrets of walking with God in each successive stage of our journeys and learning the art of grace.

Transition moments are #GraceMoments.

#GraceMoments are the aha-moments where faith and grace and worship and life all meet together. Where value exists in what we know in His presence rather than our failures or victories, and  we are instructed in the mystery of His love with each new experience. Our souls may be running low in the transition, yet the convergence of His grace fills the basin of our hearts fully.

Grace is for the transition spaces because these moments of change often require big humility and constant faith.

But when we actively let grace win in each moment of our lives, we initiate the lessons it teaches us. In times of fullness, gratefulness and contentment remind us of the mercy of His goodness. While times of emptiness reveal a deep measure of His faithfulness in all things.  And somewhere, when we look and when we count them, we discover the mysteries that teach us about contentment in life as a whole and all the separate little pieces.

And that job that I applied for, the one that made me so nervous.  It was mine before I even applied. The application was a mere formality. It is so easy to miss the moments where counting grace is called for, but that’s what is beautiful about grace. The application process is on God’s standard and not our own. And in the transition spaces, the waiting space where humility is equal to excellence and faith persuades us to be courageous and strong even when we feel emptied and low, let’s count purposefully and remember the power of grace in each one.

Where are you counting #gracemoments in your journey today? 


If you are a blogger, link up here with  a post about finding grace moments in your life or one of your favorite inspiring and encouraging posts from this week. Share your thoughts in the comment section telling me about the #Grace Moments you experienced this week. *(only 1 post per link please)*

Take time to visit your neighbor next to you, and if you want visit a few more friends on the journey. We all need a little encouragement and affirmation as we travel together.

If you don’t have a blog, you can connect with me via my Journeys in Grace FB page by sharing a photo or a comment.  Or you can join the party by sharing your images on Instagram with #Gracemoments hashtag.

Each week I will  try visit as many of your amazing  posts as I can.This is a safe place to sit and dwell in grace together, friends. I can’t wait to pour a cup of friendship with you and take in the grace moments you have to share. Don’t forget to leave a comment below, I love to hear from you.




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