If you had only known and had recognized God’s give and Who this is that is saying to you, Give Me a drink, you would have asked Him [instead] and he would have given you living water. – John 4:10
These red-letter words of Jesus have been wrapped around my heart lately. The story of His revelation love to a woman at a well in the desert of Samaria has long been one of my favorite stories about the women who encountered the One who came to set them free. Her story, though unlike mine is so many ways, is so much like mine in so many ways. And it resonates deeply how He took the time to speak right into her heart, to her very situation, the kind of hope that is eternal and life-changing.
Sometimes I can get so caught up in the mundane of being busy, the chaos of living yet not breathing, not seeing, not knowing the salvation that is right in front of me…that I miss the wonder of grace that is all around me. I mistake the depth of promise each moment affords when I fail to recognize how God is in it… how He is ordering my day to collect the blessing. Sometimes it is because I am looking for something else and the holy that is right before me is mistaken for the ordinary. Sometimes it is because I am not even looking and the miracle of His handiwork is bypassed for the numbers and the filling of wasted moments and unmet needs. Sometimes it is because I no longer remember how to wait well, how to embrace the essence of walking by faith and not by sight, and I forget that God is fully in control of every single second of my life.
But when we meet grace in the unexpected it blows us over. It takes us by surprise so much that we stop and truly see what is unmistakable, what is undeniable, what is unmeasurably God’s favor spilling out all over our less than moments.
Where are you being overwhelmed by unexpected grace today?
Earlier this week it was in the pool with my favorite swimmers and one sweet soul spoke a gentle grace right through me, thanking me for caring for them enough to show up. And I remembered why God opened that door in the first place, and how He was healing my broken pieces with the unexpected love of others.
Yesterday, it was working on a project for my soon-to-be sweet sixteen girl, that left me feeling like time was slipping away and there were things to do…but then I remembered that not a moment was lost with Jesus and every single second I wait with Him can be a moment laced with prayer and praise.
Today, it was in the face of my first-born who learned how to love others by serving up grace in sweets and in time and in visits of remembering. She said she learned it from me. It humbled me so much that I had to bow and give thanks. And I remembered that He honors the training and the prayer and the living for Him, in the good and the bad together.
Because the truth is… I don’t feel like I am doing a whole lot right these days. And I am finding my limitations and my boundaries a little close. But there is a purpose for the waiting and the remembering and the showing up. There is a wonder that is wrapped up in grace that meets us in the unexpected and softens the hard edges that we wear.
And it doesn’t matter how I feel.
Because grace is straight from the heart of the Father; it is the salutation of the Holy One; it is the signature of the Savior. And even when we miss it, even when we are blind to the favor He grants us… He keeps lavishing it upon us, because He loves us.
And I am reminded of that question. If only…
If I only knew the gift of God… then I would ask for the living water that fills my every thirst every time I feel parched and dry> And I would look for the expected salvation He offers in each circumstance, the redemption and the rescue that will always meet us where we are, will always fill us with more than enough, will always speak transparent and true, will always show us how to move on.
Praying for grace to meet you in those unexpected places.
I am loving this opportunity to showcase your words friends. You are blessing me in so many ways with your wisdom and your heart. Thanks for meeting me here, for sharing you words, for loving on one another. Take time to read through the offerings this week from bloggers who are loving others well because they love Jesus first.
Where Tragedy Intersects with Truth
Michele has a way of bringing us right to the table with her. She writes with a depth which always leaves me grateful I’ve had the chance to read her heart.She is a teacher of grace in so many ways. This post, though, was a necessity for my heart, and I am sure it will be one that meets yours as well. Michele has a story-telling soul who loves stories, and this post reminds us that our histories are not always going to be the kind that we imagine them to be, but they will be wonderful because when God writes our narrative there is redemption encoded in every scene.
How to Get Unbent After Getting Bent Out of Shape
Marva made me smile with this post. I can totally relate… so much so that while writing this post I had to consider each suggestion she lists on how to address distractions that come in the midst of our projects. My people know how hard it is for me to focus on something when I am working or writing or reading or studying. My personality is so wholly focused that disruptions can leave me feeling imbalanced and unprepared for interruptions. In fact, this was a conversation I had with my kids this past week when I had to ask forgiveness for losing my patience in a situation that was absolutely not a big deal. But the reality, the realization, and the remedy are often rectified when we each begin to understand these moments for what they are…#gracemoments. Marva gives us 3 key strategies to help combat our initial response to the disruptive forces in our day with the grace that comes with waiting with God in all our moments.
Laura reminds us of the miracle of manna in our desert places. I love the image of provision that she paints for us and reminds us that prayer is our precedent of asking to be filled up till we overflow with more than enough of God’s provision. What blesses me most is the transparency that I see in her words and in her heart through this offering of grace. She is the woman who walks well the words she speaks and we can trust her wisdom. She reminds us to ask for sight, strength and steps as we journey, to be close to the One who meets us in our not enough and more than provides for our every moments.
Five Encouraging Words for Mothers who have Lost a Child.
Michelle’s words left me weeping this week. I have no idea what this heartbreak must feel like. My words will never be enough. But her words… the encouragement she shares with others from the position of someone who has been there, someone who knows the grief of losing a child…reminded me of the way God meets us when we are broken and lost. Because I am an encourager, I am drawn to encouragers. There is a special gift in those who are willing to encourage others in spite of their own sorrow. It’s what I call being the hands and feet of Jesus in real life. And we all need to be that. We all need someone to be that. Even if you are not on this journey, the reality is that we all know someone who is and I have to believe these words may help to ease some of the ache.
If you are a blogger, link up here with a post about finding grace moments in your life or one of your favorite inspiring and encouraging posts from this week. Share your thoughts in the comment section telling me about the #Grace Moments you experienced this week. *(only 1 post per link please)*
Take time to visit your neighbor next to you, and if you want visit a few more friends on the journey. We all need a little encouragement and affirmation as we travel together.
If you don’t have a blog, you can connect with me via my Journeys in Grace FB page by sharing a photo or a comment. Or you can join the party by sharing your images on Instagram with #Gracemoments hashtag.
Each week I will try visit as many of your amazing posts as I can.This is a safe place to sit and dwell in grace together, friends. I can’t wait to pour a cup of friendship with you and take in the grace moments you have to share. Don’t forget to leave a comment below, I love to hear from you.

Lovely post Dawn, His grace does abound but when we are focused on living, we often miss it.
My lovely hubby on his own inclination, as I was reading your post, was cleaning our floor so I wouldn’t have to do it later, as my pain level today is high, yes unexpected grace in the ordinary is special. ♥
Thank you,
“Redemption encoded in every scene!”
Yes, Dawn, I couldn’t have said it better. That’s the experience I witnessed while reading Katherine’s book, and to be honest, it’t the only way I could have read it. God turned an impossible situation into a window to His glory.
Blessings to you!
Dawn, thank you for sharing my post from last week! Have a wonderful weekend!
“that I miss the wonder of grace that is all around me.” I don’t want to miss any of his grace for me! Such gifts he pours out daily; I can’t catch them all. Thanks, Dawn!
Overwhelmed by unexpected grace…even when we are blind to it He continues to lavish us. Oh, such a sweet word today. laurensparks.net