Dawn is accepting speaking positions with your group. As a Home School Momma, she has had the privilege to lead and encourage the families in her support group, as well as organize and lead co-ops, activities and prayer groups over the years.
She has been featured as a keynote speaker at the Classical Conversations practicums throughout Illinois as well as organizing and leading a statewide science fair for Homeschool Students in Illinois, NIRSF (www.ilregionalsciencefair.org). She has traveled to Home School groups in Northern Illinois sharing a love for science and teaching workshops to help students and parents understand the process of starting a science fair project from beginning to end.
As a woman who is seeking after God, she has had the privilege to lead and participate in multiple book and Bible Studies, Prayer Groups and Tutor.
Please feel free to contact her at: dawnboyer@journeysingrace.com