Plans to Prosper


I have been somewhat silent this week, here at Journeys in Grace.  It has been a momentous time of reflecting, celebrating, and remembering.  I hope you will indulge me a moment as I share precious gifts that we have been blessed with as I retell a special story.


When I became a momma over 18 years ago I never imagined the journey I would have taken to this place I am finding myself now. I may have guessed that the losses would have been expected, like people and things, more than dreams, but I am getting ahead of myself.  I was young, eager to do it all right, diligent to make all the best decisions.

And quickly I learned that things aren’t always what we hoped for, and most often, rarely what we expect. But, that doesn’t mean they are bad. It just means that like the seasons change, our lives will not escape it’s affect upon them. Change isn’t always bad, even though I may not see it that way at first.


The dreams you have don’t have to die if something causes your direction to change, they may just need to be redirected.


Life took many detours in those early years, and truthfully, I am not sure I remember most of it. I was operating on auto-pilot, some days. Hospitals, medicine, and tears consumed days when all I wanted was normalcy. All I wanted was a healthy child who could play and interact like all the other kiddos. Yet, it wasn’t as bad as it seems. I found grace in those days, and it was grace that fueled the rocket which propelled us forward. That journey that was planned before I understood that my destiny, and that of my children, was dependent upon something..actually Someone… who held my days in the palm of His hand, securely.


The most important thing for you to know today is that no matter what your journey takes you to, He is faithful to see you through it.(1 Thes 5:23) He has engraved your face upon the palm of His hand and he does not forget. ( Is 49:16)


Our daughter’s health issues led us to the realm of homeschooling.  I went kicking and screaming, friends. It wasn’t pretty. I was a mess and I was scared to death. I wasn’t a ‘teacher’, I wasn’t qualified,   and most importantly, I was NOT as patient as I knew I needed to be.

Let me stop a minute.  Do you know that when you say, “ I NEVER….”, it is a good possibility that you  just may?

Yes, that is what I said, “ I will NEVER do that.”

Hmm.. I was wrong.. in a REALLY big way.

{Can I say I learned right away God does have a sense of humor?}


So, 13 years ago, we began a new journey as a home educating family.  It started because we needed to keep our daughter safe and healthy, yet God refined us, changed us, healed us, and directed us in so many meaningful and purposeful ways to this time and season where we could celebrate an end to that journey.  Yesterday our oldest daughter graduated from High School  in a beautiful ceremony of grace and love. She was surrounded by many who loved her. She overcame some amazing obstacles to achieve this goal. She worked hard and she has persevered more than anyone I have ever known.

Her journey, especially to the podium, was scattered by trials and difficulties. Like an excellent and disciplined athlete she forged ahead jumping over the hurdles life threw her way. It was not always easy and it wasn’t often pretty, but it was real. It was full of GRACE. It was full of Christ.


 In Christ our future journey has promise, but we don’t always see the the road map.


I don’t know what her future holds, but I know that God does.  Jeremiah 29:11 is a key verse  we have clung to on those days when we had little else but our faith to keep hope alive.  

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, to give you hope and a future.”

Against all odds, I encourage you to hope, to persevere, and to push on. Not another soul upon this celestial sphere has a clue what God has for those whose hearts are steadfastly towards Him. He is a God of miracles, signs, and wonders and I believe He is capable of working out for good all things in our lives, because we purpose to trust Him. (Rom 8:28)


We were blessed with two more amazing children along the way and a host of marvelous friends and memories. We had family who supported us, though they didn’t agree with us. We had friends who questioned us, though admired our decision. We had people who walked away because we were just ‘different’ and that is ok. It really is. And then we had people come into our  lives that ONLY God could have orchestrated.

The Grace Journey is meant to be a full one, don’t get side-tracked with the details as much as the moments of blessing that come with it.


We are continuing to learn that our eyes must be fixed solely upon Him so that we can continue taking one step in front of the next. Consider this:

  • Our story doesn’t have to look the same to be compatible.
  • Our journey doesn’t have to run parallel to be connected.

Yet, we need to be intentional in fellowship with one another, because it picks us up when we fall, encourages us when we are down and blesses others when we share. ( Eccl 4:9)


There will be seasons of rest and seasons of working, just like seed-time and harvest. ( Genesis 8:22) 

Our daughter’s health journey changed through the years, sometimes we had rest and other times we were unsure she would make it to this milestone of celebration yesterday, yet we continued to push on. We worked hard to learn and paved paths that others didn’t follow, yet we kept on.

It is important for you to continually seek wise counsel as you are traveling this journey of grace-filled living. It keeps you humble. It keeps you accountable. It keeps you focused.

I have heard the following comments, often, during my experience as a homeschooling momma that always made me laugh. Not because I disagreed with them, but because they were the same things I said in opposition to our starting this journey.

  • “ Homeschooling is not for everyone.”
  • “I could never do that.”
  • “ I just don’t have the patience”
  • “I am not smart enough for that.”

Do you realize that Peter had to step out of the boat in the water as an act of obedience and trust, rather than exercise his ability to perform a feat that would defy the laws of gravity?

Obedience puts us in connection with the power source we need to accomplish great things.


It is not about what we can do, but what we need to do. Obedience puts us in the place where we are directly connected with the source of all wisdom and ability.  When we obey God, He honors that. He blesses it. He is faithful.


When I started, I said the same things.

  • I didn’t have a degree in education, and I still don’t, but I love to teach and I have had the most amazing education that I could not have otherwise received.
  • I was far from patient, and honestly, I still am, but I have learned the beauty of grace and the delight of forgiveness.
  • I rarely ever feel ‘smart enough’, but I have become quite adept at research and using resources to find what we need and that has led me down roads I would have never guessed I would travel.


Life is a journey to Grace.


Is this journey we took for everyone? No! It was for us.

It was our journey, one we are still taking. The glorious truth, that took me way too long to figure out, was that it is a continual journey that doesn’t end with just a milestone or a seasonal change. That is what life  is.. this journey to grace that will keep moving as the earth turns on its axis and rotates around the sun.

Circumstances certainly did not turn out as we had planned, and along the way dreams died and we had to grieve. We said goodbye to loved ones, and learned to adapt to life with holes in our hearts. We relished memories of seasonal blessings, friends who came to our lives for a short time and flew away like the birds who migrate on their journey gently touching down as they took time to rest.  We built relationships, intentionally pouring ourselves in to people rather than things, because in the end that is where the harvest is really meant to be gathered.


Embrace life. Live Intentionally. Love purposefully.

The journey taught us to embrace life. To live in each moment with purpose and intentionally love those who flutter across our radar swiftly  like a lilting melody which never leaves your memory.  The journey reflected divine providence which takes my breath away. He had a plan, long before I understood it, and the moment I can look back and really see, I am amazed at the masterpiece He has created.


{Where has your journey taken you?}


I started out talking about momentous moments, experiencing loss and giving up dreams, embracing change,  and rejoicing at the journey.  We never expected to have a child whose life was fully consumed by a diagnosis; it was hard and sometimes painful. However, somehow all that we experienced makes every memory, the everyday and the momentous, so much sweeter. The year was bittersweet with losses and change, but it only refines us and makes us stronger.  It doesn’t matter what the accolades are or the list of achievements, as great as they are, but that we obeyed.

That is why her ascension up the steps to a stage, where her father and I waited to hand her a diploma, with dear friends cheering her on, both in the sanctuary which she stood and the glorious one in heaven, made it all worth the effort. 

She turned in triumph, with a smile that radiated pure joy. My heart leapt with exhilaration and I celebrated with her.  Her one regret was not having her great grandmother there to witness the moment, but we remembered Hebrews 12:1 promises a great cloud of witnesses is cheering us on, and she grew in that moment, a little closer to the heart of the Father. Change is not always bad. It may sting a little, but with hope we see the beauty of the redirected living.


Heart-Rest Moments allow us to Relish the Harvest Season in Life.


It is certainly not the end of the journey, or the struggles, but He gives us these heart-rest moments so that we can relish the season of harvest, reaping a reward for the effort.  What He gives us to plant, He is faithful to water and provide the abundant overflow. He alone has the clear picture of the outcome, we have to choose to first obey and then trust.


Can I just encourage you that no matter the odds that are against you, God is for you.(Rom 8:31)  No matter what the world may say, He rejoices over you with joy. (Zeph 3:17) When man tells you it is impossible, remember that all things are possible with God. (Phil 2:13) Remember His promises of goodness and mercy following you, ( Ps 23:6),  and rest in the plans he has for you. (Jer 29:11)




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{Just a little shout of CoNgRaTuLaTiOnS to our amazing daughter, Haleigh! We are so proud of you. CONGRATULATIONS! You  have run your race well, dear one. You are loved and so appreciated. I know God’s plans for you are great and  mighty and many will know His love just because He shines through you!  Bless you sweet girl!  ~ Love, Mom.}





Linking up with:

Holley@ Coffee For Your Heart, Jennifer @ #TellHisStory, Lyli @ Thought Provoking Thursday, Carmen@ Thriving Thursdays, and Crystal @ Serving Joyfully.